Thursday 2 April 2020

Reading Habits Book Tag

Hi everyone!

I found this book tag on Holly's blog hollylovesbooks who I follow, and I thought it looked like fun. Thanks Holly for the open tag. I've seen other book tags around the place on other blogs, but I haven't actually done one myself yet, and I hope you enjoy reading about my book habits.

So, let's get started answering some questions...

1. Do you have a special place at home for reading?

Not particularly, just on my couch with all my cushions, preferably alone so there's no distractions.

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?

Yes. I have a few random old bookmarks around the place, but acceptable alternatives include, but are not limited to: receipts, old shopping lists, the slip that comes in the book from the library, random post-it notes from work etc. Really just anything that's within reach when I need to pause.

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop at a chapter/ or a certain amount of pages?

While I prefer to finish a chapter, I often have to stop half way through if reading on the train and have to get off or something like that. Sometimes at work I'll just read a paragraph at a time in between doing work. Number of pages doesn't matter.

4. Do you eat or drink whilst reading?

I usually always have a glass of water handy, but no hard or fast rules. Sometimes I read while eating breakfast or having my morning coffee, but that's more about getting in more reading time. I don't have any particular 'reading time snacks' or anything.

5. Multitasking: music or tv whilst reading?

No. Just no.

6. One book at a time or several at once?

I sometimes have two on the go at once, a paperback and an e-book. Especially if it's a large paperback or hardcover as I don't want to lug that around with me, so I have one on Kindle, or even just my phone reading app. But, if one book starts getting really good I'll keep going til I finish and totally neglect the other one.

7. Reading at home or everywhere?

Home, work if it's not too busy, on the train, cause what else am I gonna do on the train? Home is always best though 😊

8. Reading out loud or silently in your head?

Do people actually read out loud? I mean other than children.... no offense if you do that, but why?

9. Do you read ahead or skip pages?

No way! I'm actually the opposite. I tend to go back and read sections over again to make sure I didn't miss any little details. I'm definitely not going ahead for spoilers!

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

So, I didn't even realise that was a thing until a friend asked if she could "break the spine" on a book I lent her. So I guess it doesn't bother me. Maybe it's because I don't have many hardcover books, or because I used to get a lot of second hand books so it didn't matter anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

11. Do you write in your books?

No. Again, why? Books are for reading. What are people writing in their books? What!?
I mean, I highlight quotes that I like when I'm reading on my kindle, but that's it. What would I be writing? I don't get it.

Reader habits questions:
(I honestly can't figure out why this section is different, it's just more questions, oh well)

1. When do you find yourself reading?

Not enough these days, unfortunately, what with work and life and video games etc. I've tried making it a habit to read before bed, but I've never managed to stick with that. I always read on the train going to work though.

2. What is your best setting to read in?

At home, by myself so there's no interruptions, and I have nothing else to do. Then I can just get lost in my book for hours on end 🥰

3. What do you do first read or watch?

I try to read first, but I'm not super strict with it. I heard that Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse series is getting made into a show, so I will definitely try to read those books first!

4. What format do you prefer ebook, audiobook or physical book?

I always used to prefer paperbacks and staunchly refused to buy a Kindle for several years, until I realised that I could get cheaper, or even free, books with it. I still love paperbacks, but my kindle is just so convenient. I don't like audiobooks, I have tried to get into them and I just can't. After so long having my own voice reading to me in my head, it's just too weird and jarring having someone else's voice doing it.

5. Do you have a unique habit when you read?

No, not really. Unless you count being so absorbed in a book that I will respond to questions and agree to things that later I have absolutely no memory of doing.

6. Do book series have to match?

Ideally yes, I do love the way a complete, matching series looks on my bookshelf, but generally I don't go out of my way to make it happen. It doesn't matter so much these days now that I have a kindle and I borrow a lot of books from the local library.

Phew! All done 😄 I find it really interesting to think about how other people would answer these questions. I know I'm an oddball not liking audiobooks, when I hear other people rave about them. Do people really write in the their books? Seriously, who would do that? I can't get over that one!

I hope you enjoyed reading something different on the blog with this book tag, and I hope you liked reading my answers to these questions, I guess I'm pretty chill about most of my reading habits.

I would love to hear about other people's reading habits, so I tag anyone who wants to answer these questions, or let me know your answers in the comments.

Thanks for reading!  💗  AB

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