

I made this blog as a place for me to talk, rave, gush and rant about all the books I read, because I don't get to do enough of that with normal people. I've been a fantasy fan since I was a kid, and that's mostly all I read, particularly Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Historical Fantasy, occasionally Sci-Fi, with or without a romance element, though that is a guilty pleasure. Anything with magic, witches, werewolves, dragons or fairies will find it's way onto my list. I will basically read whatever I feel like reading at the time, and I have a massive 'Want to Read' list which I am continually adding to. Thanks a lot bookstagram! 😑 I'm working my way through several series with the Great Series Read Project, and you can find a list of all my reviews so far here

Some of my favourite authors include Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, Terry Pratchett, Annette Marie, Juliet Marillier, and the list just keeps getting bigger.
I'll be posting/reviewing/rambling about a mix of new books, re-reads, popular and indie authors.
I've never done a blog or anything like this before, so hopefully you enjoy reading my thoughts and maybe find some new books and authors to escape reality with.
Happy reading 💗 AB

For updates on reviews and what I'm reading follow me on insta @iwishiownedabookstore or Goodreads.

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Thank you for supporting me to keep reading and reviewing.